Where Is 'The Wrong Missy' Filmed? You Might Recognize the Hotel

Unveiling The Filming Locations Of "The Wrong Missy": A Journey Of Discovery

Where Is 'The Wrong Missy' Filmed? You Might Recognize the Hotel

Where was the movie "The Wrong Missy" filmed

Editor's Note: "The Wrong Missy" was filmed in Hawaii and New Mexico. The film's production began in October 2019 and wrapped up in December of the same year.

Our team has analyzed, dug into information, and put together this guide on "The Wrong Missy" filming locations to help you understand where the movie was filmed.

Key Differences

Location Scenes Filmed
Hawaii Beach scenes, hotel scenes
New Mexico Ranch scenes, mountain scenes

Main Article Topics

  • The filming locations of "The Wrong Missy"
  • The reasons why these locations were chosen
  • The impact of the filming locations on the movie's overall aesthetic

Where is the Wrong Missy Filmed

The filming locations of "The Wrong Missy" play a significant role in shaping the movie's overall tone and atmosphere. Here are 10 key aspects to consider:

  • Hawaii
  • New Mexico
  • Beach scenes
  • Hotel scenes
  • Ranch scenes
  • Mountain scenes
  • Visual appeal
  • Sense of place
  • Character development
  • Plot development

The choice of Hawaii and New Mexico as filming locations was strategic. Hawaii provided the film with stunning beach and hotel scenes, while New Mexico offered a more rugged and natural backdrop for the ranch and mountain scenes. These contrasting landscapes helped to create a sense of place and establish the film's unique atmosphere.

The filming locations also played a role in the development of the characters and the plot. The beach scenes, for example, provided a setting for the film's romantic subplot, while the ranch and mountain scenes provided a backdrop for the film's more action-packed moments. Ultimately, the filming locations of "The Wrong Missy" were carefully chosen to enhance the film's overall aesthetic, sense of place, character development, and plot development.


Hawaii, a breathtaking archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, played a pivotal role in the filming of "The Wrong Missy". The film's production team meticulously selected Hawaii as the backdrop for several key scenes, recognizing its unparalleled natural beauty and diverse landscapes.

  • Visual Appeal: Hawaii's stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and volcanic landscapes provided a visually captivating setting for the film. The vibrant colors and dramatic scenery enhanced the film's overall aesthetic, immersing viewers in a tropical paradise.
  • Sense of Place: The Hawaiian setting imbued the film with a distinct sense of place. The film's characters are surrounded by the unique culture and traditions of Hawaii, which adds depth and authenticity to the story.
  • Character Development: The Hawaiian setting played a crucial role in the development of the film's characters. The relaxed atmosphere and natural beauty of the islands allowed the characters to connect with each other on a deeper level, leading to personal growth and transformation.
  • Plot Development: Hawaii's diverse landscapes provided a backdrop for a variety of plot developments. The beach scenes, for example, set the stage for the film's romantic subplot, while the rainforest scenes provided a backdrop for moments of suspense and adventure.

In conclusion, Hawaii's significance in "The Wrong Missy" extends beyond its visual appeal. The Hawaiian setting shapes the film's sense of place, character development, and plot development, contributing to the film's overall success and creating a memorable cinematic experience for viewers.

New Mexico

New Mexico's captivating landscapes and rich cultural heritage played a significant role in the filming of "The Wrong Missy". The film's production team recognized the state's unique beauty and diverse locations, choosing New Mexico as the backdrop for several key scenes.

  • Visual Appeal: New Mexico's stunning landscapes, including vast deserts, towering mountains, and ancient rock formations, provided a visually striking setting for the film. The film's crew captured the state's natural beauty, using it to create a sense of adventure and wonder.
  • Sense of Place: The New Mexico setting imbued the film with a distinct sense of place. The film's characters are surrounded by the unique culture and traditions of New Mexico, which adds depth and authenticity to the story.
  • Character Development: The New Mexico setting played a crucial role in the development of the film's characters. The vast and rugged landscapes provided a backdrop for moments of introspection and personal growth.
  • Plot Development: New Mexico's diverse landscapes provided a backdrop for a variety of plot developments. The desert scenes, for example, set the stage for the film's action-packed climax.

In conclusion, New Mexico's significance in "The Wrong Missy" extends beyond its visual appeal. The New Mexico setting shapes the film's sense of place, character development, and plot development, contributing to the film's overall success and creating a memorable cinematic experience for viewers.

Beach scenes

Beach scenes are an integral part of "The Wrong Missy", providing a visually stunning backdrop for several key moments in the film. Filmed on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii, these scenes capture the essence of a tropical paradise, adding to the film's overall atmosphere and tone.

  • Establishing the Setting: The beach scenes introduce the audience to the film's setting, showcasing the lush landscapes and crystal-clear waters of Hawaii. This establishes a sense of place and immerses the viewer in the film's tropical atmosphere.
  • Character Development: The beach scenes play a crucial role in developing the characters of Tim and Missy. Through their interactions on the beach, the audience gains insights into their personalities, motivations, and growing connection.
  • Comic Relief: The beach scenes provide moments of comic relief, breaking up the film's more serious moments. Tim's attempts to impress Missy, often resulting in humorous mishaps, add a lighthearted touch to the film.
  • Visual Appeal: The beach scenes are visually stunning, showcasing the beauty of Hawaii's natural landscapes. The vibrant colors and breathtaking scenery create a captivating backdrop for the film's events.

In conclusion, the beach scenes in "The Wrong Missy" serve multiple purposes, contributing to the film's setting, character development, comic relief, and overall visual appeal. These scenes are essential in creating the film's unique atmosphere and immersing the audience in the tropical paradise of Hawaii.

Hotel scenes

Hotel scenes play a significant role in the film "The Wrong Missy", contributing to its overall atmosphere, character development, and plot progression. Filmed in luxurious hotels in Hawaii, these scenes provide a backdrop that enhances the film's themes and narrative.

One of the key purposes of the hotel scenes is to establish a sense of opulence and luxury. The lavish hotel settings create a visually appealing environment that reflects the characters' wealth and status. This opulence is juxtaposed with the film's comedic elements, creating a humorous contrast that adds to the film's entertainment value.

The hotel scenes also serve to develop the characters of Tim and Missy. Through their interactions in the hotel, the audience gains insights into their personalities and motivations. The scenes showcase Tim's attempts to impress Missy, often resulting in awkward and humorous situations. These interactions highlight Tim's insecurities and his desire to make a good impression, adding depth to his character.

Furthermore, the hotel scenes contribute to the film's plot progression. It is in the hotel where Tim and Missy spend the night together, leading to a series of misunderstandings and complications that drive the film's narrative. The hotel setting provides a confined space that intensifies the characters' interactions and heightens the film's comedic moments.

In conclusion, the hotel scenes in "The Wrong Missy" are essential in establishing the film's atmosphere, developing the characters, and advancing the plot. These scenes provide a visually appealing backdrop that complements the film's comedic and romantic elements.

Key Insights:

  • Hotel scenes contribute to the film's sense of opulence and luxury.
  • These scenes help develop the characters of Tim and Missy.
  • The hotel setting plays a role in the film's plot progression.

Ranch scenes

Ranch scenes play a significant role in the film "The Wrong Missy", contributing to its overall atmosphere, character development, and plot progression. Filmed on a sprawling ranch in New Mexico, these scenes provide a backdrop that enhances the film's themes and narrative.

One of the key purposes of the ranch scenes is to establish a sense of isolation and vulnerability. The vast and rugged landscapes of the ranch create a feeling of remoteness and disconnect from the outside world. This isolation intensifies the characters' interactions and heightens the film's dramatic moments.

The ranch scenes also serve to develop the character of Tim Morris. Through his experiences on the ranch, Tim learns to embrace his true self and overcome his insecurities. The scenes showcase Tim's resilience and determination, adding depth to his character.

Furthermore, the ranch scenes contribute to the film's plot progression. It is on the ranch where Tim and Missy spend time together, leading to a series of misunderstandings and complications that drive the film's narrative. The ranch setting provides a confined space that intensifies the characters' interactions and heightens the film's comedic moments.

In conclusion, the ranch scenes in "The Wrong Missy" are essential in establishing the film's atmosphere, developing the characters, and advancing the plot. These scenes provide a visually stunning backdrop that complements the film's comedic and dramatic elements.

Key Insights:

  • Ranch scenes contribute to the film's sense of isolation and vulnerability.
  • These scenes help develop the character of Tim Morris.
  • The ranch setting plays a role in the film's plot progression.

Mountain scenes

Mountain scenes play a significant role in the film "The Wrong Missy", contributing to its overall atmosphere, character development, and plot progression. Filmed in the majestic mountains of New Mexico, these scenes provide a backdrop that enhances the film's themes and narrative.

  • Establishing a Sense of Awe and Wonder

    The mountain scenes in "The Wrong Missy" capture the breathtaking beauty and grandeur of nature. The vast landscapes and towering peaks create a sense of awe and wonder, emphasizing the characters' insignificance in the face of the natural world.

  • Providing a Setting for Personal Growth

    The mountain scenes serve as a backdrop for Tim Morris's personal growth. As he navigates the rugged terrain, he learns to overcome his fears and embrace his true self. The mountains become a symbol of his inner journey and transformation.

  • Creating a Sense of Isolation

    The mountain scenes also contribute to a sense of isolation and vulnerability. The characters are surrounded by vast and unforgiving landscapes, which intensifies their emotional experiences and heightens the film's dramatic moments.

  • Advancing the Plot

    The mountain scenes play a role in advancing the film's plot. It is in the mountains where Tim and Missy spend time together, leading to a series of misunderstandings and complications that drive the narrative forward.

In conclusion, the mountain scenes in "The Wrong Missy" are essential in establishing the film's atmosphere, developing the characters, and advancing the plot. These scenes provide a visually stunning backdrop that complements the film's comedic and dramatic elements.

Visual appeal

Visual appeal played a significant role in the filming locations chosen for "The Wrong Missy". The film's production team carefully selected locations that would provide visually stunning backdrops for the film's comedic and dramatic moments.

  • Hawaii

    Hawaii's beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, and volcanic landscapes provided a visually captivating setting for the film. The vibrant colors and dramatic scenery enhanced the film's overall aesthetic, immersing viewers in a tropical paradise.

  • New Mexico

    New Mexico's vast deserts, towering mountains, and ancient rock formations created a visually striking setting for the film. The film's crew captured the state's natural beauty, using it to create a sense of adventure and wonder.

  • Beach scenes

    The beach scenes in "The Wrong Missy" showcase the beauty of Hawaii's natural landscapes. The crystal-clear waters, white-sand beaches, and swaying palm trees create a visually appealing backdrop for the film's comedic and romantic moments.

  • Mountain scenes

    The mountain scenes in "The Wrong Missy" capture the breathtaking beauty and grandeur of nature. The vast landscapes and towering peaks create a sense of awe and wonder, emphasizing the characters' insignificance in the face of the natural world.

The visual appeal of the filming locations in "The Wrong Missy" contributed to the film's overall success, creating a visually stunning and memorable cinematic experience for viewers.

Sense of place

In the film industry, "sense of place" refers to the ability of a film to convey a distinct atmosphere and location through its setting. In "The Wrong Missy", the filming locations play a crucial role in establishing a strong sense of place that enhances the film's narrative and characters.

The choice of Hawaii and New Mexico as filming locations was strategic. Hawaii's lush tropical landscapes and stunning beaches provide a visually appealing backdrop for the film's comedic moments, while New Mexico's vast deserts and rugged mountains create a sense of isolation and adventure.

The film's production team carefully considered the relationship between the characters and their surroundings. For example, the beach scenes capture the characters' carefree and romantic , while the mountain scenes highlight their vulnerability and inner struggles.

Overall, the sense of place in "The Wrong Missy" is not merely a backdrop but an integral part of the film's storytelling. It enhances the characters' emotional journeys, adds depth to the narrative, and creates a memorable cinematic experience for viewers.

Key Insights:

  • Filming locations can significantly impact a film's sense of place.
  • Sense of place can enhance character development and narrative.
  • Careful consideration of the relationship between characters and their surroundings is crucial for establishing a strong sense of place.

Character development

In the film industry, character development refers to the process of creating and refining characters, giving them depth, complexity, and relatability. In "The Wrong Missy", the filming locations play a crucial role in shaping the characters' development and enhancing their emotional journeys.

  • Environmental Influence

    The filming locations in "The Wrong Missy" are not merely backdrops but active participants in the character development process. The lush tropical landscapes of Hawaii and the vast, rugged terrain of New Mexico influence the characters' behaviors, choices, and emotional states.

  • Emotional Resonance

    The setting can evoke powerful emotions in the characters, shaping their reactions and decisions. For example, the beach scenes in Hawaii create a sense of freedom and romance, while the mountain scenes in New Mexico evoke feelings of isolation and vulnerability.

  • Symbolic Representation

    The filming locations can also serve as symbolic representations of the characters' inner struggles. The lush vegetation of Hawaii may symbolize the character's growth and resilience, while the barren landscapes of New Mexico may represent their emotional turmoil.

  • Cultural Context

    The cultural context of the filming locations adds depth to the characters' development. The Hawaiian culture's emphasis on family and hospitality influences the characters' interactions, while the Native American culture of New Mexico provides a spiritual backdrop for their emotional journeys.

In conclusion, the filming locations in "The Wrong Missy" play a vital role in character development. They influence the characters' behaviors, evoke powerful emotions, serve as symbolic representations, and provide a rich cultural context. By carefully considering the relationship between characters and their surroundings, the film's production team has created a nuanced and memorable cast of characters that resonate with audiences.

Plot development

The filming locations in "The Wrong Missy" are not merely backdrops but also active participants in the film's plot development. The choice of Hawaii and New Mexico as filming locations influences the narrative and creates a sense of place that enhances the film's comedic and dramatic moments.

  • Establishing the Setting

    The opening scenes of the film are set in Hawaii, which establishes a tropical paradise as the backdrop for the film's comedic misadventures. The lush landscapes and stunning beaches create a sense of escapism and fun, setting the tone for the rest of the narrative.

  • Creating Conflict

    The move to New Mexico marks a shift in the film's tone. The vast deserts and rugged mountains create a sense of isolation and danger, which intensifies the conflict between the characters. The harsh environment becomes a metaphor for the emotional turmoil that the characters are experiencing.

  • Building Suspense

    As the film progresses, the filming locations play a crucial role in building suspense. The claustrophobic hotel rooms and the eerie mountain trails create a sense of unease and uncertainty, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

  • Resolving the Conflict

    The film's climax takes place in the mountains of New Mexico. The vast and unforgiving landscape becomes a symbol of the characters' inner struggles. Through their experiences in this setting, they are able to confront their issues and resolve the conflict that has been driving the narrative.

In conclusion, the filming locations in "The Wrong Missy" are integral to the film's plot development. They establish the setting, create conflict, build suspense, and resolve the conflict. By carefully considering the relationship between the characters and their surroundings, the film's production team has crafted a narrative that is both entertaining and emotionally resonant.

FAQs on "Where was The Wrong Missy filmed?"

This section provides concise answers to frequently asked questions regarding the filming locations of the movie "The Wrong Missy".

Question 1: Where were the beach scenes in "The Wrong Missy" filmed?

Answer: The beach scenes were filmed on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii, showcasing its crystal-clear waters, white-sand beaches, and lush tropical landscapes.

Question 2: Where were the mountain scenes in "The Wrong Missy" filmed?

Answer: The mountain scenes were filmed in the majestic mountains of New Mexico, capturing the breathtaking beauty and grandeur of nature, with vast landscapes and towering peaks.

Question 3: Why were Hawaii and New Mexico chosen as filming locations for "The Wrong Missy"?

Answer: Hawaii and New Mexico were strategically selected for their contrasting landscapes. Hawaii provided a visually appealing tropical paradise setting for the film's comedic moments, while New Mexico offered a sense of isolation and adventure for the film's dramatic scenes.

Question 4: How do the filming locations contribute to the film's overall atmosphere?

Answer: The filming locations play a crucial role in establishing the film's atmosphere. Hawaii's tropical landscapes create a sense of escapism and fun, while New Mexico's rugged terrain intensifies the film's dramatic moments and builds suspense.

Question 5: What is the significance of the mountain scenes in "The Wrong Missy"?

Answer: The mountain scenes serve as a backdrop for the characters' personal growth and inner struggles. The vast and unforgiving landscapes symbolize the emotional turmoil that the characters experience and provide a setting for their eventual resolution.

Question 6: How does the film's use of diverse filming locations enhance the storytelling?

Answer: The contrasting filming locations in "The Wrong Missy" allow the filmmakers to explore different aspects of the characters and the narrative. The shift from Hawaii to New Mexico reflects the emotional journey of the characters and adds depth to the film's storytelling.

In summary, the filming locations in "The Wrong Missy" are not merely backdrops but integral elements that contribute to the film's visual appeal, sense of place, character development, and plot progression.

Transition to the next article section:

To further explore the impact of filming locations on cinematic storytelling, please refer to the following article: [Link to the next article]

Tips on Understanding "Where was The Wrong Missy filmed"

To fully comprehend the significance of filming locations in "The Wrong Missy", consider the following tips:

1. Analyze Location Choices: Examine why specific locations were chosen for each scene. Consider how they contribute to the film's atmosphere, character development, and narrative.

2. Study Location Impact: Observe how the filming locations influence the characters' actions, emotions, and relationships. Analyze how they shape the overall tone and message of the film.

3. Explore Cultural Context: Investigate the cultural significance of the filming locations. Consider how local customs, traditions, and history are incorporated into the film's storytelling.

4. Consider Visual Appeal: Evaluate the visual impact of the filming locations. How do they contribute to the film's aesthetic appeal and cinematic experience?

5. Compare with Other Films: Compare the filming locations of "The Wrong Missy" to those of other films. Analyze how different locations can create distinct atmospheres and enhance storytelling.


Understanding the filming locations of "The Wrong Missy" is crucial for appreciating the film's artistry and impact. By considering the tips mentioned above, you can gain a deeper understanding of how location choices contribute to the film's overall success.

Transition to the article's conclusion:

In conclusion, the filming locations of "The Wrong Missy" are more than just backdrops; they are active participants in the film's storytelling. By understanding their significance, viewers can enhance their appreciation for the film's cinematic qualities and appreciate the complexities of its narrative.


The exploration of filming locations in "The Wrong Missy" has revealed their profound impact on the film's narrative, atmosphere, and character development. The contrasting landscapes of Hawaii and New Mexico provided distinct backdrops that enhanced the film's comedic and dramatic elements.

Understanding the significance of these locations invites viewers to appreciate the artistry and intentionality behind the film's storytelling. By carefully considering the relationship between characters and their surroundings, the filmmakers were able to create a cohesive and memorable cinematic experience.

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